A group of women working in the brickyards, unable to afford the expenses for a wedding, entrusted their daughters to the ...
Un gruppo di donne che lavora nelle fornaci, non essendo in grado di sostenere le spese per un matrimonio, ha affidato le ...
The Vicariate of North Arabia promoted a two-day event on the subject, with the participation of Vatican and religious personalities from Asia. Sister Milagros Sandoval: a ‘stimulating&rsqu ...
Il vicariato del Nord Arabia ha promosso una due giorni sul tema, con l’intervento di personalità vaticane e religiose ...
On the bitter clash triggered by President Yoon's attempt to proclaim martial law, Radio Azattyk has gathered the opinions of ...
At least 88 cases of sectarian violence in Bangladesh in recent months; In Seoul, President Yoon Suk-yeol again defends martial law; Italy, Japan and the UK are ready to de ...
Le notizie del giorno: negli ultimi mesi in Bangladesh ci sono stati almeno 88 casi di violenze settarie. A Seoul il ...
Sul duro scontro innescato dal tentativo del presidente Yoon di proclamare la legge marziale, Radio Azattyk ha raccolto le ...
Even mayonnaise at the holidays this year will be 13.5 per cent more expensive, while the real savings of citizens are ...
University of Tokyo website becomes inaccessible to Chinese students due to censorship; Bad forecast for Myanmar's economy, now almost in its fourth year of war; Former inte ...
他来自上海,去世时享年 91 岁。他和5位天主教兄弟于1955年俱入狱,他们的母亲在不同的监狱探望了他们,为他们带来信仰上的支持。获释后,他恢复了耶稣会士的见习生涯,并于1994 年晋铎。 “我心里充满喜桨,因为我知道自己没做过反对天主或自国家的事”。
"I am following what is happening in Syria, in this delicate moment of its history," Pope Francis stated this morning in the Paul VI Hall in the Vatican, where the Wednesday general audience took ...