A formal approval process is required to acquire access to the API, which includes opening a GIA client account. Learn more about the process required to apply for the API.
The September birthstone is sapphire – a gem that’s been cherished for thousands of years. Although the term sapphire usually refers to the blue variety of corundum (ruby is the red variety), this ...
Figure 1. This 0.11 ct round brilliant grandidierite is from a new deposit near the town of Tranomaro, in southern Madagascar. Photo by Delphine Bruyère. Since its discovery, grandidierite has been ...
见证巴西克鲁塞罗矿的红碧玺开采后,我们的代表还有幸参观了切磨矿区宝石的中国工厂。 摄影:Andrew Lucas(安德鲁·卢卡斯 ...
One of the advantages of beryl is its wide color range. These crystals show pastel shades: aquamarine's green and blue and morganite's pink. -photo credit Alan Jobbins. Like many gems found in ...
Advances in geophysical technology and computer imaging now permit mapping of geologic features at various depths beneath the Earth’s surface in more detail than ever before. Geophysical methods, ...
搜索城市或邮政编码,查找出售 GIA 分级钻石或有经过 GIA 培训的员工的零售商。搜索结果包括地址、营业时间和路线。 “查找零售商”列表上显示的营业时间可能不准确。建议联系各家商店,确认目前的营业时间。
GIAでグレードされたダイヤモンドのを取り扱う、またはGIAにより訓練を受けたスタッフのいる小売業者を、都市名またはや郵便番号で検索します。検索結果には住所と営業時間、そしてアクセスの仕方が記載されます。 小売業者検索リストに記載された営業 ...
GIA 理事会 - 前排人员从左到右依次为:Samantha Ravich(萨曼莎·拉维奇)博士、Dave Bindra(戴夫·宾德拉)、Susan Jacques(苏珊·雅克)、Lisa Locklear(丽莎·洛克利尔,理事会主席)、Stephen Kahler(斯蒂芬·凯勒,副主席)、Barbara Dutrow(芭芭拉·达特罗)博士、Russell ...
GIAに宝石をご提出いただく場合は、ラボサービスアカウントを開設していただく必要があります。アカウントはすべてオンラインで簡単に開設していただけます。 アカウントを開設するためには以下が必要となります。 ビジネスを代表してアカウントを ...
GIA’s laboratory in Bangkok, Thailand conducts research and provides services such as diamond grading and origin determination, colored stone grading and origin determination and pearl identification ...
The People's Republic of China has recently placed a high priority on identifying and developing its gemstone resources. Initial exploration by teams of geologists throughout China has identified many ...