2024年12月4日,客运航空公司联合航空控股(UAL)成交额为4.24亿美元,在当日美股中排第206名,成交额较昨日增加23.14%,当日成交量为430.85万。 联合航空控股(UAL)于2024年12月4日涨3.61%,报99.25美元,该股过去5个交易日涨3.01%,整个12月涨2.50%,年初至今涨140.55%,过去52周涨150.69%。 *如果公司上市时间少于52周,则52周涨跌幅为 ...
美国 媒体 报导,美国联合健康保险公司(UnitedHealthcare)执行长汤普森(Brian Thompson)今天在纽约市希尔顿饭店外遭到枪杀,显然是有针对性的攻击。 “纽约时报”(The New York Times)报导,现年50岁的汤普森于将近上午7时在纽约市曼哈顿(Manhattan)中城(Midtown)的希尔顿饭店外遭到枪杀。
美国国务院发言人米勒 (Matthew Miller)12月2日在例行记者会上回答美国之音提问时表示,如果北京再次错误拘留美国公民,上星期在三名被错误拘留的美国人获释后放宽的有关中国的旅行警告有可能重新上调。… ...
联合国星期三 (12月4日)呼吁为2025年重要援助筹集超过470亿美元的资金,用以帮助约1.9亿因冲突流离失所和遭受饥饿的人群,并警告冲突激增和气候危机将使数亿人陷入困境。
National Strategy for Financial Inclusion in the United States美国国家普惠金融战略Fostering Financial Access, Resilience,and Well-Being ...
Ferrana positioned China's modernization as a global model for addressing inequality, environmental degradation, and social development. According to Ferrana, China’s system was built by the people, ...
European Sterile Automatic Tube Sealing Machine Market to Reach €364.5 Million by 2030 到2030年,欧洲无菌自动封管机市场将达到3.645亿欧元 European ...
The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Beijing hosted a special event to commemorate the UAE's 53rd National Day, Eid Al Etihad. The event was attended by Shöhret Zakir, Vice Chairman of the ...
BEIJING, Dec 4 (China Economic Net) - A report titled "20 Case Examples for 20 Years: Private Sector's Sustainable Development in China" was released on Nov. 30 in the office building of the United Na ...
Chinese industrial associations have voiced strong opposition to the United States' latest control measures on semiconductor ...