【环球网科技综合报道】12月16日,外媒报道称,苹果正在紧锣密鼓地研发智能眼镜Apple Glass,然而,要想让这款眼镜既轻便又实用,并非易事 ...
谷歌也要啃头显这块“硬骨头”了,这次还找了三星帮忙?! 在今年早些时候的Google I/O大会上,谷歌曾有个非常有意思的环节,官方演示了一款AR眼镜的原型,它不仅能够帮助用户理解现实世界中的元素,还能记录现实看到的所有信息,甚至提醒你物品的拜访位置 ...
【VRAR星球原创稿件,未经许可禁止转载】摘要:Vision Pro的游戏业务能否借此机遇,乘风破浪,开启虚拟现实游戏的新篇章?在科技巨头纷纷寻求跨界合作的今天,苹果与索尼的联手无疑成为业界近期的热点话题。据彭博社记者马克·古尔曼(Mark ...
IT之家 12 月 16 日消息,长期以来,关于苹果公司正在开发某种形式的增强现实(AR)智能眼镜的传闻不绝于耳。虽然目前苹果已经推出了具有诸多潜在 AR 眼镜特征的 Apple Vision Pro,但其形态仍然相当笨重,与人们对轻便 AR ...
Apple's eventual goal of producing its Apple Glass smart glasses is still a long way from reality, with the challenges of ...
Can you force Dolby Vision onto the PlayStation 5? Do you need the internet to use newer Sony TVs? What is the best dark-room ...
Google and Samsung have collaborated on their own version of a new mixed-reality headset to compete with Apple's Vision Pro ...
But Google's not going it alone on Android XR. As teased last year, the first headset to run the new OS is being built in ...
The week in mobile was headlined by Android XR, but Gemini, Google Maps, and a new Pixel battery feature also made the front ...
The Vision Pro might be an almost unparalleled consumer headset in terms of display and compute power, but all of that ...
Apple has announced the 17 winners of its 2024 App Store Awards, a selection of apps and games chosen from 45 finalists that ...