Make some tidy savings on DDR5 RAM with these Cyber Monday offers - perfect for upgrading to the new fastest gaming CPU.
一、前言对于现阶段仍然在使用AM4平台中低端处理器的朋友来说,一个可行、热门的升级方案是将处理器升级至Ryzen 7 5800X3D,改造成游戏机。AMD 3D-Vache系列处理器迄今已经发布三代了,可能有些朋友非常感兴趣Ryzen 7 5800X3D和最新的Ryzen 7 ...
秒没,真的是秒没呀,AMD ...
Our 9800X3D overclocking guide shows you how to run your processor at 5.4GHz, using either AMD Ryzen Master, or your ...
年初发过一个关于配置的贴子,我感觉帮到了挺多兄弟的。一周前,我终于买上了9800x3d的cpu,亲测如下。 我讲配置必须先讲原理,大家不要嫌麻烦。 1,cpu和显卡互为木桶效应,抛开一个谈另一个无效。 2,每张显卡都有自己的极限处理能力。以pubg为例,显卡能渲染多少张图片(显卡fps),与分辨率、画质、渲染比例相关。
Dubious Amazon listings have shown up for the hottest new processor on the market. Selling for as low as $200, they're ...
AMD's new Ryzen 7 9800X3D is a high-performance gaming CPU featuring eight cores, sixteen threads, and second-gen 3D V-Cache, ...
AMD has dominated PC gaming CPU performance for more than two years. Its X3D chips have provided a boost that Intel has been ...
今年 10 月 25 日,AMD 正式官宣了新一代游戏处理器锐龙 7 9800X3D,并于 11 月 7 日开始发售。这颗 CPU 推出之前,高阶硬核玩家们就对锐龙 7 5800X3D 和锐龙 7 7800X3D 这两颗处理器追捧已久,因为 X3D ...
As many of you probably know, AMD's Ryzen 7 9800X3D CPU has landed. Like all it's predecessors, it holds the promise of ...
AMD于今年11月7日正式推出了锐龙 7 ...