Today's Deal of the Day at Best Buy stars a very basic Asus laptop that's only $99.99 (normally $229.99). Tomorrow's deal ...
Best Buy's Cyber Monday deals are here, and that means it's the best time to grab incredible discounts on fantastic tech ...
No matter what you're shopping for, we've got the absolute best deals in the industry on laptops, desktops, peripherals, ...
On that list, you won't even find some of the ROG Phone 9's most impressive features. We're reviewing the Pro version, which comes equipped with AniMe Vision on the back, 648 programmable mini-LEDs ...
Asus pushed its smartphone line towards a more consumer-friendly design while retaining its powerful hardware and gaming focus. The ROG Phone 9 and ROG Phone 9 Pro continue that trend and ...
Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro is a gaming powerhouse designed for enthusiasts who demand top-notch performance and innovative features. This smartphone combines cutting-edge hardware, software ...
The Asus ROG Phone 9 starts at $999, and climbs up to $1499 for the Pro edition reviewed here.. You wouldn’t expect it to come with just two years of Android updates and an additional two years ...
Page 2: Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro: Voice, Data And Benchmark Performance Page 3: Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro Battery Life, Charging And Our Review Conclusion Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro - Available for $1,199 (Pro ...
在移动游戏行业蓬勃发展的今天,手机硬件的进步必须跟上潮流。最新推出的ROG 9 PRO手机,以其业界领先的185Hz刷新率和创新的背盖AniMeVison光显矩阵屏,确立了其在游戏手机中的霸主地位。今天我们就来详细探讨这款手机的特点、性能以及在玩家社区中的影响力。
这次 ROG 9 Pro 也重磅亮相,后盖的这块光显矩阵屏也有了新的玩法,一起来看看吧。 首先来看一下外观设计,ROG 9 Pro 整体看上去依然是满满的硬核 ...
大家不妨跟随我们一起来看看。 我们此次拿到的,是一台具备24GB+1TB存储组合的顶配ROG游戏手机9 Pro(下文将简称为ROG 9 Pro)。除了Pro版本外 ...
在发布会前夕,安兔兔官方已提前揭晓了ROG 9 Pro的跑分及核心配置,该机以惊人的3121390分稳居当前手机性能之巅,无疑为游戏手机市场树立了新的 ...