Mahindra has announced the price of the BE 6's top variant at Rs 26.9 lakh. Let's compare its price, performance, and range with the Tata Curvv EV and the MG ZS EV to see how it measures up.
The Battery Level chart is annotated in various ways depending on the current state of the device at the time. It is usually marked green when battery is above 20%. It will be marked red when ...
Google is preparing to polish the Bluetooth device details page to show a small ring indicating the current battery level of your connected device. This change isn’t live yet in the latest ...
However, this big battery upgrade might not be ready in 2025. Instead, we may have to wait until the iPhone 18 series rolls out, which would be perfect timing because it might include a foldable ...
Elevation Lab today announced the launch of TimeCapsule, an innovative and simple solution for increasing the battery life of Apple's AirTag. Priced at $20, TimeCapsule is an AirTag ...