The anime adaptation for Bleach: The Thousand Year Blood War is ramping up to its final season, which will finally bring an end to the story that started 20 years ago. Featuring plenty of seasons ...
Getting a tattoo generally involves some pain, but the location and your personal tolerance will affect how much it hurts. Getting tattooed on an area with little fat, many nerve endings ...
Melbourne is packed with some of the best tattoo studios, offering everything from intricate fine-line work to bold traditional designs. Whether you're looking to get a meaningful tribute, a trendy ...
Ariana Grande flashed her hand 'prison' tattoos when she covered her face on Tuesday evening. They are called 'prison' tattoos because they are numerous, small, uneven and appear homemade like ...
I'm honestly a little surprised that the fight between Shunsui and Lille Barro is still happening—I thought we saw Shunsui end it pretty definitively a couple weeks ago. But no! In JRPG fashion ...
Bleach TYBW part 3 episode 12 picks up after the decisive events of the previous battle, where Nanao Ise’s newfound power and Captain Shunsui Kyoraku’s unwavering support turned the tide against ...