On October 8, 1945, Spencer and the team filed for a patent on the technology. It was approved in January 1950, and Raytheon began manufacturing the commercial microwave oven, called “Radarange.” ...
The Gregg Wadley College of Science ans Health Professions at Northeastern State University is bringing biology and chemistry experts from across Oklahoma to discuss various topics as ...
In addition to spitting hot bars on the track, to the surprise of many fans, some rappers also play instruments. Here's a list of MCs who can rock more than just a microphone.
The aircraft, ships, vehicles and weapons used by the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in training and operations. Investments in new equipment that will ensure that our military is ready to take on future ...
While clinical chemistry instruments and tests target different chemicals in body fluids to evaluate health and the clinical management of patients, immunoassay instruments and tests measure the ...
While clinical chemistry instruments and tests target different chemicals in body fluids to evaluate health and the clinical management of patients, immunoassay instruments and tests measure the ...