Crime Patrol Actor Sapna Singh recently staged a protest in Bareilly following the tragic and suspicious death of her 14-year-old son. The incident has taken a shocking turn as police have ...
The untimely death of 14-year-old Sagar Gangwar, the son of TV actress Sapna Singh Gangwar—famous for her appearances in Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hai and Crime Patrol—has left Bareilly in a state of shock.
I did the one episode and thought, I just want to make sure that they got what they wanted,” said Garcia, whose previous experience includes small roles on This is Us, American Crime Story ...
A South African national who illegally entered the U.S. landed a "positive match" on the terrorist watchlist leading to his "swift" arrest in New York City. According to U.S. Border Patrol Chief ...
A 23-year-old small scale miner, who tricked two mobile money vendors and received a cash sum of GH cent;8,000 paymen ...
A man wanted in a deadly nightclub shooting in Texas was arrested Saturday during a traffic stop in Seward County.
As many as 28 fake ID cards, including those with designations of Income Tax Assistant Commissioner, I-T Inspector, Assistant Commissioner in Home Department, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI ...
A.k.a. “Julia has a thousand and one things to say” edition.