The 1982 movie "Fighting Back," set in Kensington, saw no solution to its challenges but vigilantism. In real life, community ...
Hollywood's most epic box office disasters! Join us as we count down the movies that bombed so spectacularly, they not only ...
Need some good films to watch this weekend? Netflix has some underrated movies you should stream with Matt Damon, Matthew McConaughey, Angelina Jolie, and more.
We usually define nostalgia as a longing for the past. While a lot of people tend to dread the future, we also tend to ...
Although the remains that they find are initially mistaken to be those of a prehistoric human society, it is ultimately ...
GRUV, Universal’s relatively new DVD site, has put a bunch of digital copies on sale for $9.99 or less, with many up for only ...
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There are a lot of fictional bands in movies and TV shows, but they are bands we usually only get a small taste of. Here's a ...
The British studio has produced some of the most acclaimed animated films of the past few decades — and amassed legions of ...
K and Blu-ray must-haves of January 2025 include one of 2024’s best films, greats from Quentin Tarantino, and some ...
Who even knows where all those digital files are? There are tens of thousands of images in your iCloud. And more in your Google and Facebook accounts. And your dusty old hard drives. And even those ...
Now, the entertainment landscape has changed significantly, and Blu-ray technology is caught in the crossfire. In December ...