在2024年巴西电竞奖(Prêmio eSports Brasil)评选中,《无畏契约》力压《反恐精英2》(Counter-Strike 2)与《Free Fire》,荣获“最佳电竞游戏”奖项。虎扑1 ...
周二,Morgan Stanley重申了对Sea Ltd (NYSE: SE)的信心,维持增持评级,目标价为$140.00。该股今年以来表现出色,年初至今回报率达179.6%,目前市值为650亿美元。
Mini Games曾作为副玩法火遍广告买量界,并且在中重度游戏里逐渐占据了一席之地,很长一段时间内,Mini Games身上“副玩法”的标签都很难抹去。 但自2024下半年以来,离线小游戏突然火了,最具代表性的《Offline Games - No ...
Three real-world disasters are forensically dissected: the Fukushima nuclear plant, a Manhattan crane collapse, and a fire on the aircraft carrier USS Forrestal.
Esteban and Zia realise how close they came to death while flying over a canyon. The children then return to Tibet, where they come upon a temple.