Sonic the Hedgehog 3, an animated film about the emergence of a powerful villain, Shadow, voiced by Keanu Reeves (out Friday) ...
Disagreement persists inside and outside of the political arena over what books school children should be permitted to read, tied to classroom work, and over what books should be banned from their ...
Data is the new oil, as they say, and perhaps that makes Harvard University the new Exxon. The school announced Thursday the ...
The Ruby Sisson Memorial Library has been located at 811 San Juan Street (corner of S. 8th and Hwy 160) since 1989. The library is overseen by the Upper San Juan Library District, a tax-funded special ...
The project’s leader says that allowing everyone to access the collection of public-domain books will help “level the playing ...
Lancaster County students are steadily improving in science and math since the pandemic, according to state-mandated tests, ...
Dec. 14, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. we hope library fans who are aged 21 and older will join us for a evening of holiday crafts including Zentangle, with all supplies provided. Enjoy delicious hors ...
There’s a chilling quote that Shadi Hamid plucks from reporting elsewhere for his column on physician-assisted suicide. It ...