Salman Khan celebrated his 59th birthday in Jamnagar Nita Ambani and Mukesh Ambani sang for him at the party A video from the close-knit affair was shared online Bollywood superstar Salman Khan ...
Watch video. Actor Salman Khan, his family members and close friends celebrated his grand birthday party in Jamnagar, Gujarat, hosted by the Ambanis. Taking to Instagram, Salman's brother-in-law ...
After signing with the Tigers last week, Torres said that a return to the Yanks wasn't in the cards because the team didn't offer him a contract — but he had nothing but positive things to say ...
There’s no capped limit for this, so rest assured, your 65-year-old grandpa can redeem 65 gyozas for the fam. Here’s the catch: you need to ensure that you have at least 4 people dining, and each ...
The Wells Fargo Active Cash ® Card is one of the top credit cards that earn 2% cash rewards on all purchases. Regardless of what you're purchasing, you'll get a fixed percentage of your money back.
DEAR DEIDRE: AFTER finding out about my husband’s secret escort habit, I plan to tell him in his birthday card that we need to get a divorce. I’m 56, he’s 60 next month, and we’ve been ...
Fans thought that Willis’ films concluded with a trilogy of movies, but he returned to his role after a long hiatus of 12 years. He earned a whopping $25 million for the fourth film, Live Free or Die ...
Send a gift card by email, and your recipient can redeem it instantly on Amazon. Choose from more than a dozen designs for every occasion, from festive celebrations to a birthday or “just ...
There's no need to get your tinsel in a tangle because I'm here with this list of standout Christmas gifts for him that'll arrive just in the nick of time. Sensing a theme here? The next time he ...
Credit cards and debit cards may seem like the same thing — after all they're both rectangular pieces of plastic — but they act quite differently. One card provides you with a revolving loan ...
Whether you want a screen-free way to keep the kids happy on holiday or something that will have your friends howling with laughter over drinks, the best card games can provide hours of entertainment.