Soodhu Kavvum 2 features a talented ensemble cast, with Mirchi Shiva in the lead alongside Harisha, Radha Ravi, Karunakaran, M.S. Bhaskar, Karate Karthi, Raghu, Yog Japee, Aruldoss, Kalki ...
Here’s how to go from the Rusty Rod, to the Carbon Rod, and the Steady Rod. Then to the Mythical Rod, Trident Rod, and the elusive Rod of the Depths. Once you’ve learned how to catch fish, keep ...
He and his wife also visited the Tirumala temple to seek blessings from Lord Venkateswara before heading abroad. Shiva Rajkumar’s surgery is scheduled for December 24, after which he is expected to ...
Ukraine military officials revealed the country’s new “Trident” laser air-defense weapon — which officials said can shoot down aircraft from more than a mile away and could be a game ...
Goddess Parvati created Ganesha from clay, instructing him to guard her quarters. Lord Shiva, upon returning, unknowingly beheaded Ganesha. To appease Parvati, Shiva replaced Ganesha's head with ...
Ariana Grande flashed her hand 'prison' tattoos when she covered her face on Tuesday evening. They are called 'prison' tattoos because they are numerous, small, uneven and appear homemade like ...
The commander of Ukraine’s Unmanned Systems Forces, Colonel Vadym Sukharevsky, revealed that Ukraine has developed a laser weapon called “Tryzub,” (Trident) capable of downing aircraft at distances ...
UKRAINE has unveiled a laser weapon dubbed 'Trident' that blasts aerial threats at the speed of light. The Star Wars-style weapon can shoot down drones and planes from over a mile away and could ...
In the year 1978, suddenly, there were screams all around, a veil of smoke covered the sky, and stones and pebbles rained down on people. This was the scenario in Sambhal district. Forty-six years ...