The Dow Jones Industrial Average was also in the green. The 30-stock index outpaced its peers in November with a 7.5% surge, capped off by a 0.4% jump Friday that took it close to 44,910 points.
On November 27, 2024, MGM Resorts International (NYSE:MGM) stock closed at $37.37 per share with a market capitalization of $11.13 billion. Meridian Hedged Equity Fund stated the following ...
MGM Resorts currently trades at $38.09 per share and has shown little upside over the past six months, posting a small loss of 2.3%. The stock also fell short of the S&P 500’s 13.1% gain during ...
You can also see if MGM appears on our undervalued or overvalued stock lists. These tools provide a clearer picture of investment opportunities, enabling more informed decisions about where to ...
MGM Resorts currently trades at $38.09 per share and has shown little upside over the past six months, posting a small loss of 2.3%. The stock also fell short of the S&P 500’s 13.1% gain during that ...