Allu Arjun, who was released from Chanchalguda jail on Saturday morning was assigned an Under Trial (UT) number 7697 and was lodged in a barrack by the jail authorities. A controversy is brewing over ...
Suniel Shetty is one of the most versatile actors in Bollywood. He has worked in films from different genres, such as action, drama, romance, and comedy. His comic roles have become iconic, given his ...
A mixed media movie is in the works called Dynamic Duo that will tell the origin story of Dick Grayson and Jason Todd as Robins. Reported earlier this year, a key piece of the puzzle was missing: ...
There was one filmed in Belcher, Louisiana that released in theatres this month. The Man in the White Van will be showing at Shreveport and Bossier theatres beginning Friday, Dec. 13.
Per two sources, Oscar-nominated writers Gerwig and Baumbach have an idea for the sequel to the $1.4 billion blockbuster, though reps for Warner Bros. and the filmmakers deny it is in the works.