The holiday season is the time for giving and this year the Caldwell Zoo has a new way that East Texans can support their ...
An Animal Crossing fan in mourning shows love for her pet cat, giving the feline friend a new life through New Leaf and New ...
The Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh held a "mega adoption event" this weekend. It's trying to help pets find loving homes ...
The two-year wait is over. Today, the pet sale ban comes into effect across the state of New York.Some animal rights ...
A local animal shelter is warning people to avoid giving loved ones animals as gifts due to the high return rate on those ...
Over 1 million people signed the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) "End the Cage Age." The EU committed to working this ...
Kids make you do crazy things,” said Krisjan Polonia, who picked up an adorable black and white “teddy bear dog” for her son ...
The griping Vatican-based movie thriller “Conclave” about picking a new pope and Stephanie Hsu starring in the dark comedy ...
The law aims to stop the flow of animals bred in inhumane puppy mills and promote adoption from overcrowded shelters.
Pet store puppies and cats are no longer for sale in New York state. The law went into effect on Sunday banning the retail ...
Animal lovers' hearts have broken for a "scared" dog abandoned at a shelter along with her entire wardrobe. Ziggy the dog had ...
Best Friends Animal Society says shelters receive returned pets year-round and not exclusively after Christmas.