Swami Ram Himalayan University has launched a new MSc course in medical physics, inaugurated by Dr. Vijay Dhasmana. This course, rare in North India, offers students in Uttarakhand and beyond the ...
to assess individual understanding of physical concepts and the ability to tackle problems in the taught areas of physics. Computer Based Assessment Some modules use online quizzes/tests as part of ...
The Department of Physics offers a B.S. in Physics. At W&M, we have three concentrations for physics majors: Standard Physics Major (course catalog) Pre-Med Physics Major (course catalog) Engineering ...
Swami Ram Himalayan University on Monday started a course in medical physics. SRHU president Doctor Vijay Dhasmana inaugurated the Department of MSc Medical Physics at the university in Jolly Grant.
The course introduces the condensed matter physics on a broad basis. The main objective is to provide an overview of different types of materials and illustrate how their properties depend on the ...
The course is an introduction to nuclear and particle physics, from the universe´s elementary particles and the forces that act between them, to the quantum structure of systems composed of elementary ...
45 credit hours of physics courses Plan 2: Designed for students who wish to learn applied physics, or who wish to combine a physics major with another area of study, such as applied mathematics, ...