"The Sound of Music," released in 1965, is a family favorite during the holidays. Julie Andrews, who played Maria, mostly recently narrated "Bridgerton." Kym Karath, who played Gretl von Trapp ...
Here's what the cast of "The Sound of Music" is up to now. Julie Andrews played Maria, a feisty nun who takes a job as a governess for the seven von Trapp children. At the time of the film's ...
The opening scene of The Sound of Music remains fixed in Tim Crouse's mind. But he's not recalling Andrews striding across the Austrian Alps in the 1965 movie. As the son of Russel Crouse ...
"The Sound of Music will air on @ABCNetwork on Sunday, December 15 at 7/6c." The original movie musical originally released in the U.S. on March 2, 1965, making the Julie Andrews classic 59 years old.
Julie Andrews Remained 'Great Friends' with 'Sound of Music' 's Christopher Plummer Until His Death Julie Andrews Reflects on Recent Reunion with 'The Sound of Music' Cast: 'We're Family' Julie ...
Do you love "The Sound of Music," the award-winning movie musical released in 1965? Well, you might love it even more when you learn the true story behind the Julie Andrews classic. Maria and the ...