The Transformers series follows the continuing battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons and ultimately, the triumph of good over evil. This collection includes theatrically released films ...
The Transformers series follows the continuing battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons and ultimately, the triumph of good over evil. This collection includes theatrically released films ...
Easily the most convoluted and nonsensical entry in the Transformers franchise yet, The Last Knight makes the utterly bamboozling Pirates Of The Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge look as simple as ...
The Last Knight wasn’t exactly a massive ... And thus, the Michael Bay-captained Transformers continuity was toast after 2017. While diehard fans and casual audiences would claim it was a ...
The 2007 Michael Bay Transformers movie was many people's first ... film to be watched in chronological order and is also the last film in the five-film franchise. It's quite the grand finale ...