Transformers: The Last Knight is a 2017 sci-fi action sequel film directed by Michael Bay and starring Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Hopkins, Isabela Merced and Laura Haddock. Language(3/5): There are 6 uses ...
At the same time, they must defend themselves against an all-out attack from the Decepticons. Set after the final episode of Transformers Season 3, The Transformers: The Movie takes Transformers to a ...
What’s the best movie I can watch on Netflix ... Our latest update added Transformers as our editor’s pick. Transformers isn’t just a time capsule of post-9/11 culture shock; it’s a ...
Transformers One has now landed on digital ... as well as behind-the-scenes featurettes about the inspiration behind the movie and its creation. Talking to Digital Spy, director Josh Cooley ...
And while we’re on the subject, we should mention that all the Transformers live-action movies from Michael Bay that were added on Netflix in the United States on December 1st will all be departing ...
In particular, what is the most popular movie on Netflix ... “Bayhem” filmmaking style to the live-action adaptation of Transformers. The war for the planet Cybertron pits two Transformers ...