Xenoblade Chronicles 2 follows the story of Rex and the Aegis, who aim to reach the fabled land of Elysium. This massive RPG takes place across the world of Alrest, a land covered in clouds, where ...
Weird and wonderful Nintendo products would bring the company's flair for fun to mundane tasks. Nintendo Alarmo and the Nintendo Music mobile app show the company's interest in lifestyle products.
As is tradition, former President Barack Obama has released his favorite music from 2024, including Kendrick Lamar’s “Squabble Up,” Beyoncé’s “Texas Hold ‘Em” and Shaboozey’s “A ...
For many gamers, Wii Sports wasn’t just a game—it was a cultural phenomenon. From its quirky, upbeat music to the simplicity of its animations, the game was a staple of living rooms everywhere in the ...