There are bad bye weeks, and then there are season-ruining bye weeks. This could be the latter for many teams needing a ...
Series. Featuring Alexander Ludwig and Jessica Frances Dukes, Earth Abides is a (deep breath) post-apocalyptic ...
And live he does, for another year, alone and bored until he spots chimney smoke in the distance. That’s where the opening ...
Even though a new science fiction show served as one of the key inspirations for The Stand, it seems to be nothing like the ...
亚历山大-路德韦格(Alexander ludwig),曾是一名童星。九岁时开始演戏,因在迪士尼作品《巫山历险记》中饰演男主角赛斯(Seth)受到人们的关注。一个令人印象深刻的工作,包括电影和电视机构,他把自己塑造成好莱坞最有前途的年轻人之一,为他的演艺生涯继续努力和参加富有挑战性的新项目。在生活中的他,除了热爱表演还热衷于各种球类运动,天生赋予爱心使他成为了一名动物爱好者。