在NVIDIA与AMD摩拳擦掌即将发布新GPU之际,第三家可以在GPU领域能够一战的英特尔,选择提前CES 2025一个月的时间,发布全新的英特尔锐炫ARC B系列GPU,代号Battlemage战斗法师。一向主打性价比的Intel ...
英特尔目前推出的B580显卡,将于12月13日上市,售价249美元。与Arc A750和A770一样,B580将有英特尔设计的限量版,以及来自ASRock、宏碁和Sparkle等品牌的合作设计。
时隔两年多,Intel终于正式发布了代号Battlemage的第二代锐炫B系列显卡,首发锐炫B580、B570,定位主流,对标RTX 4060、RX 7600,号称领先约10%。它们都基于Xe2架构的BMG-G21 GPU核心,不过制 ...
Intel has announced the technical specifications for its forthcoming Arc B580 12GB GPU priced 249 USD as well as the ARC B570 10GB at 219 USD, a downgraded version that will be released later in ...
Intel’s Arc Battlemage lineup includes the B580 and B570 with up to 12 GB of memory for budget-conscious gamers.
Today, Intel has announced its new Battlemage GPUs and it claims to best both AMD and Nvidia at the $250 price point.
快科技12月3日消息,Intel今天正式发布了代号Battlemage的第二代锐炫B系列显卡,首发两型号锐炫B580、B570,而此时距离第一代A系列最初登场已经两年多了。 两款新品定位主流市场,主要面向2K超高画质游戏玩家,大致对标NVIDIA ...
Intel has finally pulled back the veil on its Arc B Series graphics cards, with B580 arriving in just a few weeks.
Intel has announced its Arc B580 graphics card with XeSS 2, the first model from codename Battlemage to arrive. Here are the ...
IT之家 12 月 3 日消息,在英特尔发布新一代基于 X e 2-HPG 架构的锐炫“Battlemage”桌面显卡后,华擎紧跟着推出了自家的 Arc B580 / B570 产品,IT之家汇总如下。
Acer today announced an expansion to its gaming portfolio with the new Nitro Intel® Arc™ B-Series graphics cards, aimed at ...
北京时间2024年12月3日22点,英特尔正式公布了锐炫B系列桌面级显卡的两款新品:B580和B570,代号BMG-G21,也就是此前所说的Batt ...