The ChatGPT maker is looking to scale from its 250 million weekly active user base by betting big on data centers that can ...
It looks like Sam Altman is very high on Elon Musk’s list of enemies. The billionaire is asking a federal court to stop ...
OpenAI在10月获得了66亿美元的新资金——是硅谷历史上初创公司的最高水平,并一直在从Meta、 谷歌 等大型科技竞争对手那里“抢夺”广告人才。Friar表示,OpenAI 将继续筹集“更多资金”,包括股权和债务。
《金融时报》报道,OpenAI正在考虑在 ChatGPT 中投放广告,首席财务官 Sarah Friar 表示,该公司正在考虑在 ChatGPT 中投放广告以支持其成本,这些成本很可能是针对非付费客户。Friar ...
Social media users have noticed that ChatGPT, the chatbot developed by OpenAI, is unable to acknowledge the name "David Mayer ...
Five of Canada’s leading news organizations have filed a lawsuit against OpenAI, accusing the company of copyright ...
Five major Canadian media organizations— Torstar, Postmedia, The Globe and Mail, The Canadian Press, and CBC/Radio-Canada ...
在ChatGPT掀起人工智能浪潮的第二年,OpenAI与国内的AI企业正悄然转向,试图超越这一里程碑式的产品。随着关于Scaling Law能力上限的讨论日益增多,今年9月,OpenAI带着其全新系列模型o1震撼登场,再次将“会思考的大模型”推向了科技前沿。
ChatGPT refuses to say one specific name – and people are worried - Asking the AI bot to write the name ‘David Mayer’ causes ...
The move is the latest development in a business feud between OpenAI and Musk, who co-founded the group in 2015 but has since ...