As a Costco employee, I'm grabbing the Bellevue luxe candle set and the KitchenAid six-quart bowl-lift stand mixer this ...
Thousands of cases of Costco (COST) store brand eggs are being recalled due to a possible contamination of salmonella, ...
The recall specifically applies to the units with Julian code 327 and “Use By” date of January 5, 2025. This information can ...
Costco is set to remove its year-round book section from hundreds of stores, but there's a possibility it could make a ...
从明年1月起,Costco卖场将发生重大的变化,整个书城将被取消,这恐怕会让许多家长感到失望,Costco的图书一直是孩子们喜欢的区域,有些家长在购物的时候把孩子放到图书一角,待自己购物完毕后,孩子也看完一本书了。并且Costco的图书价格也低于其他 ...
“Another day, another recall ” might be an understatement as food safety concerns mount this holiday season. Costco’s ...
随着黑色星期五的余热未退,网络星期一(Cyber ...
国金证券发布研报称,近年来以Costco为代表的仓储会员店客流火爆、本土超市胖东来也出圈成为“网红品牌”。国内商超龙头永辉超市 (601933.SH)开启转型,携手胖东来调改门店迈向“品质零售”,零售龙头 名创优品 亦看好其未来发展大举收购近30%股份入局商超行业。拆解以凭借优质商品和服务闻名的全球仓储会员店龙头Costco的成功模式,可为国内商超行业改革带来启示。同时,永辉超市携手胖东来开启改革 ...
前不久,Costco刚对其店里出售的多款热销面包进行了召回,原因是里面可能含有类似 “金属碎片”的异物 。现在,另一款很受欢迎的烘焙美食—— 牛角包 ,也遭到了下架和大规模召回!
The price of everything keeps rising, so look for more ways to save. Costco can help you do just that, if you take it slow.
【Costco 在中国市场高开低走,会员制零售面临挑战与机遇】 前些年,Costco 是市场热门,门店开业常引热议。但近期,其高开低走话题被讨论,会员制零售之路引人思考。 2019 年首家 Costco ...