This week also saw a number of hardware rumors including Apple itself leaking the existence of upcoming M4 MacBook Air models ...
UGREEN has launched a big holiday sale on its Amazon storefront, with savings on USB-C wall chargers, portable batteries, ...
Proxima is a custom-designed chip in development for years that will combine Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionality into a single, ...
Bloomberg journalist Mark Gurman says a new Apple TV box in the works, and it could be the first device featuring a new chip ...
12月13日消息,据wccftech报道,苹果公司除了计划在明年推出自研的5G调制解调器(基带芯片)之外,还计划在明年推出自研的蓝牙和WiFi芯片,以进一步摆脱对于博通(Broadcom)的依赖。报道称,苹果即将推出的蓝牙和WiFi二合一芯片在内部的 ...
今日要闻一览 哪吒、极越接连遇到危机,新势力品牌还能买吗? 消息称苹果自研Wi-Fi和蓝牙芯片明年开始商用 HomePod mini和Apple TV率先搭载 博通2024财年营收超过500亿美元 AI业务营收同比大增220% OpenAI上新,ChatGPT可以视频聊天了 特斯拉国内上线高级智能召唤功能:车辆可自己开到你身边 TGA 2024奖项揭晓:《黑神话:悟空》获最佳动作游戏和玩家之声奖 ...
剧透露,苹果公司将在明年的iPhone 17 Air(超薄机型)上首发其自主研发的5G基带芯片。这是自苹果收购英特尔基带业务以来的首次产品亮相,标志着苹果在自研芯片领域迈出了重要一步。
Transform your workflows with a lifetime license to Microsoft Visio 2021 Professional for only $17.97 through Dec. 22 at ...
苹果的自研基带已经酝酿了相当长一段时间,为了这一技术,苹果投资了数十亿美元在世界各地建立测试和工程实验室,还斥资约 10 亿美元收购了英特尔公司的无线部门,并斥资数百万美元从其他芯片公司聘请工程师,原本希望最早在 2021 ...
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Mashable is a global, multi-platform media and entertainment company.