A teenage girl and her friends catapult to internet fame when they create a quirky web show, navigating the challenges of adolescence alongside their newfound digital celebrity.
Daniella Hankey joined the WECT family in January of 2022. Born and raised in the City Beautiful - Orlando, Florida, Daniella is thrilled to be closer to her hometown and by the beach. Daniella ...
Aggressively rendered with broad brushwork and unusual color combinations these late paintings stand in marked contrast to the more refined 1909 works, attesting to the modernity of Monet's expanded ...
She said, "I wouldn't even wear some of that today as an adult." Nickelodeon / Via youtube.com 7.Daniella also told Business Insider that she contacted Nickelodeon about a Victorious scene where ...
Even the best worst year ever – choose the epoch closest to your offended political affiliation – has a Christmas. And every Christmas, crumbling culture or not, comes with scads of new ...