“Interstellar,” set in a futuristic Earth that’s becoming no longer habitable, follows farmer/ex-NASA pilot Joseph Cooper ...
We all know the feelings that unite an audience in a movie theater. Yet when I went to see the rereleased “Interstellar,” I ...
The hardest movie ticket to get last weekend was for a film audiences have been able to watch at home for years: Christopher Nolan’s “Interstellar.” The science fiction epic starring Matthew ...
Christopher Nolan's Interstellar turned 10 this year and the deeply emotional sci-fi drama has had an impact stretching ...
From a true classic Western to a more contemporary one, and one of the best films of 2024, here are eight Blu-rays to grab in ...
They’ve made Nolan one of the 21st century’s most beloved artists. The reason that Interstellar is playing in so few theaters ...
That’s the first thing you notice as you enter the cavernous IMAX theater at the Cinemark Dallas XD and IMAX on Webb Chapel Rd ahead of the day’s first1 showing of Interstellar at 8 a.m.: The ...
Produced on a reported budget of over $160 million, Interstellar has developed a cult reputation and continues to impress in ...
En su momento, “Interstellar” fue recibida cálidamente y fue un éxito inequívoco, pero también tuvo sus detractores.
If you want to see Interstellar in IMAX… good luck. It’s the hottest ticket in US cinemas right now, and you may need to pay ...
Moana 2 and Wicked are expected to holdover quite well with respectively $28M and $20M, -45% a piece, while two incoming fanboy movies fall apart: Sony Marvel's $110M extended Spider-verse Kraven the ...