联想曾在2023年9月推出外形独特的Legion Go掌机,以其8.8英寸大屏幕和可分离式手柄引起关注。一年多后,外媒Windows Central曝光了新款Legion Go S掌机的外观图,显示新款设计更趋常规。
A new handheld gaming PC known as the Lenovo Legion Go S has leaked The device could feature a smaller screen compared to its ...
Lenovo is reportedly working on a new budget handheld with AMD's upcoming Ryzen Z2G APU, 16GB of RAM and an 8-inch 120 Hz IPS ...
Images of the Lenovo Legion Go S have surfaced, showcasing a more budget-friendly PC gaming handheld that will be powered by ...
网上流出了关于Lenovo即将推出一款更具竞争力的Legion Go “S” 手持游戏的数据,目标是吸引对价格较为敏感的玩家。这款新产品已经曝光了首批官方渲染图,具白色外壳设计。 根据先前资讯,Legion Go S将采用最新的AMD Ryzen ...
Lenovo is reportedly working on the Legion Go S, a toned-down version of the Legion Go, its latest handheld gaming PC.
Renders allegedly belonging to the Lenovo Legion Go S have leaked, giving us a glimpse of what could be the final product.
Lenovo Legion Go S seems to be a single-frame machine powered by AMD’s Ryzen Z2G chips, offering a lower entry to gaming ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@kwak_g于12月03日发布,转载请标明出处!】 据Windows Central早前的报道,联想正在研发一款定位更为亲民、被命名为Legion Go S的“轻量型”掌机。近日,这款设备的官方渲染图也首次得以曝光。
As much as we loved spending time with Lenovo's first entry into the handheld gaming scene with the Legion Go, we can't ...
近日,联想的掌机市场将迎来新成员——Legion Go轻量版(Legion GoS)的官方渲染图首次曝光。根据WindowsCentral和Videocardz的报道,这款设备采用AMD全新研发的Ryzen Z2平台,预计会提供一种更为经济实惠的选择 ...
近日,联想的最新消息引发了游戏掌机爱好者的广泛关注——联想Legion Go的轻量版(Legion GoS)正式曝光。根据WindowsCentral的报道,这款新型掌机将采用AMD Ryzen ...