美国安全机构星期二(12月10号)为全体众议员举行了一次机密简报会,说明中国涉嫌通过“盐台风”(Salt ...
Though commonly referred to as Salt Typhoon, the group has also been dubbed GhostEmperor, FamousSparrow, Earth Estries, and ...
The Salt Typhoon intrusion gives China a chance to exfiltrate massive amounts of data from most organizations, especially ...
The Salt Typhoon hack is one of the largest attacks on US telecommunications ever, officials say. The yearslong attack ...
Privacy advocates hailed a “watershed moment” as the FBI and CISA urged Americans to use encrypted messaging apps in the wake ...
白宫的一位官员星期六(12月7日)称,美国相信一场被称为“盐台风”(Salt Typhoon)的中国网络间谍活动,攻击了“非常高层”美国政治人物的电话,并进行了录音。 美国白宫负责网络和新兴技术的副国家安全顾问安妮·纽伯格(Anne ...
The "Salt Typhoon" Chinese hacking group breached at least eight US telecommunications companies in a months-long effort to ...
美国政府官员周一(9日)表示,联邦调查局(FBI)等多个安全机关将为众议院举行机密简报会,说明与中国政府有关的黑客组织“盐台风”(Salt Typhoon)渗透美国电讯公司、窃取美国通话数据的网攻行动。
美国负责网路与新科技的副国安顾问纽柏格(Anne Neuberger)在记者会上表示,中国政府骇客的「盐颱风」(Salt Typhoon)行动,入侵全球各地电信基础设施,是一场波及数十个国家的大规模间谍活动,这场行动目前仍在进行中 ...
In response to a significant cyberattack attributed to Chinese state-sponsored group Salt Typhoon, the Federal Communications ...
Chinese hackers are alleged to have broken into US phone networks, giving Chinese intelligence services a window onto ...
当地时间7日,美国白宫官员表示,中国涉嫌透过骇客组织“盐台风”(Salt Typhoon)窃取通话资料,并集中在美国高阶官员身上,其中有通话内容遭到录音。中国方面暂时未回应相关指控。