Dal Tagikistan al Kirghizistan ex politici di primo piano a processo con l'accusa di alto tradimento solo perché identificati ...
Le notizie del giorno: trovato un primo accordo per pacificare il distretto di Kurram in Pakistan. Gli Stati Uniti ...
From Tajikistan to Kyrgyzstan former leading politicians are on trial on charges of high treason just because they were ...
The Huangmao Sea Channel Bridge opened to traffic yesterday, an ideal infrastructure that links up with the majestic bridge that connects Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau. This is a further step to the ...
This morning the Holy Father met with the president of the Palestinian National Authority for half an hour, the first time in ...
Aperto ieri al traffico il passaggio maritittimo Huangmaohai, un'infrastruttura che è l'ideale prolungamento del maestoso ponte che già unisce Hong Kong, Zhuhai e Macao. Un ...
In the message released today for 1 January 2025, Francis renews the appeal that John Paul II made in 2000, for “a global financial Charter based on solidarity and harmony between peoples.&rdquo ...
阿斯塔纳(亚洲新闻) - 连日来,韩国的政治和社会层面一直处于相当动荡的阶段,但对于来自中亚的移民来说,这是一个非常受欢迎的目的地,他们来到这里工作和学习,其中许多人告诉电台Azattyk如何看待这个远东国家局势的演变。
The comment was made at an event organised by the ultranationalist Hindu far right. Judge Shekhar Kumar Yadav made similar ...