If your holiday shopping spree has yet to materialize — or if you’ve been scared into your house by an impending winter storm ...
In a recent episode of the popular podcast, Associate Professor of Psychology Michael Sargent’s research on attitudes toward ...
In a recent episode of the popular podcast, Associate Professor of Psychology Michael Sargent’s research on attitudes toward crime and punishment got a shoutout — and a ringing endorsement.
Professor Sargent is a social psychologist by training, but with interests in political psychology. Most of his research focus is on the ways that people’s collective identities relate to how they ...
In a recent episode of the popular podcast, Associate Professor of Psychology Michael Sargent’s research on attitudes toward crime and punishment got a shoutout — and a ringing endorsement. As the ...
I arrived at Bates College in 1987 with an expertise in US and Soviet foreign policy during the Cold War. My research agenda has changed several times since then, but I have always been interested in ...
For vict’rys at our door, Today the Garnet Bobcat conquers again, Hathorn rings out adding on another win. While down the field the Garnet is marching, In a recent episode of the popular podcast, ...
We pledge to her our loyalty, Our faith and our honor thru the years. Long may her praises resound. Long may her daughters and sons exalt her name. In a recent episode of the popular podcast, ...
The major in sociology is designed to provide a strong foundation in the methods, theories, and substantive areas of the discipline, while also allowing students to emphasize topics and approaches of ...
And his courage is supreme. And when it comes to smiting, Bears and Mules are all the same. Oh here’s to the fighting Bobcats, The Garnet mascot ever. In a recent episode of the popular podcast, ...
In a recent episode of the popular podcast, Associate Professor of Psychology Michael Sargent’s research on attitudes toward crime and punishment got a shoutout — and a ringing endorsement. As the ...
In a recent episode of the popular podcast, Associate Professor of Psychology Michael Sargent’s research on attitudes toward crime and punishment got a shoutout — and a ringing endorsement.