Insira a posição que você ocupa Presidente ou Gerente Geral Vice-presidente ou Diretor Gerente ou Subgerente Vendas, ...
Analysis, reports, news and interviews about your industry in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
As obras preliminares para um porto de US$ 4 bilhões em San Antonio devem começar no próximo ano, enquanto as autoridades ...
Dragado Empresa Portuaria Legislación y regulación Regulador Concesiones Terminales de contenedores Puertos multipropósito Puerto Mostrar 3 Más Ocultar 3 Temas ...
Los ingresos netos de los bonos se utilizarán para refinanciar ciertas líneas de deuda existentes, la adquisición del parque eólico de Punta Lima en Puerto ...
Net proceeds of the bonds will be used to refinance certain existing debt facilities, the acquisition of the Punta Lima wind farm in Puerto Rico and other ...
Os recursos líquidos dos títulos serão usados para refinanciar certas linhas de crédito existentes, a aquisição do parque eólico de Punta Lima em Porto Rico ...
For Telmo Ghiorzi, executive secretary of Abespetro, Brazil has the potential to become a major exporter of equipment and services.
Analysis, reports, news and interviews about your industry in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Preliminary works for a US$4bn port in San Antonio are expected to begin next year, while authorities now plan a single ...
US President-elect Donald Trump recently reiterated that one of his first executive orders after taking office on January 20 ...
BNamericas spoke with Marcelo Álvarez, executive director of government relations for Barrick South America, at the ENAEP ...