Goa (Agenzia Fides) - "The motivation is faith. The faithful come here to pray and touch the remains of Saint Francis Xavier, not out of curiosity or for a tourist visit," said Father Fermino Savio ...
Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - His many Chinese students - priests, religious and lay people - have expressed "great gratitude and affection" on the death of the Maryknoll missionary Father Lawrence J.
N'Djamena (Agenzia Fides) - "A move yet to be interpreted that in any case has taken everyone by surprise" local sources in N'Djamena, the capital of Chad, told Fides after the announcement that the ...
Sanyuan (Agenzia Fides) – Sharing and spreading the message of faith, hope and charity condensed by the Pope in the Bull “Spes non confundit” to begin together the synodal journey towards the Jubilee.
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father has appointed Bishop John Rodrigues as coadjutor archbishop of the metropolitan archdiocese of Bombay, India, transferring him from the diocese of Poona.
Dar es Salaam (Agenzia Fides) - Arbitrary arrests, political opponents who disappear without a trace or are brutally murdered by mysterious assassins. Worrying incidents are occurring in Tanzania. The ...
Conakry (Agenzia Fides) - "There is still no precise information on the number of dead (the government says 56, ed.) and wounded in yesterday's drama at the stadium," said the President of the ...
ASIA/CHINA - In Xi'an academics and scholars turn the spotlight back on the history of the ancient Church of the East in China by Gianni Valente Xi'an (Agenzia Fides) - The pagoda in Daqin, although ...
新乡(信仰通讯社)—随着将临期第一主日的到来,教会迎来了新的礼仪年。在此新年伊始之际,中国大陆天主教会团体继续与普世教会共融善度信德年。据本社综合报道,各地主教继续纷纷 ...
梵蒂冈(信仰通讯社)—针对部分记者提出的有关中国大陆温州教区邵祝敏正权主教的事件,圣座新闻发布中心主任格雷戈•伯克博士于今天作出了以下说明: 圣座怀着十分忧虑的心情,关注 ...
梵蒂冈(信仰通讯社)―十一月三十日,教宗本笃十六世就职以来发表的第二部通谕《在希望中得救Spe salvi》正式出版。在圣座新闻发布中心举行的新闻发布会上,圣座教宗府荣休神学家,道明 ...
罗马(信仰通讯社)—“与其说教会有使命,不如说教会就是使命。‘就如父派遣了我,我也同样派遣你们’(若20,21)”。这是十月二十八日星期六世界主教会议第十六届全体大会第一次会议 ...