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The Thai city of Chanthaburi is a well-known international trading hub for colored gemstones but was once an important corundum mining center. In recent decades, mining activity in the area has ...
图 1:含有一种称作铁方镁石深色内含物的含硼蓝色钻石,作为此项研究的一部分进行了检测。这颗宝石重 0.03 克拉。摄影:Evan M. Smith(埃文·M.·史密斯)。 这是《自然》杂志中发表的文章 ...
The GIA Board of Governors - Front Row from left to right: Samantha Ravich, Ph.D., Dave Bindra, Susan Jacques, Lisa Locklear (Board Chair), Stephen Kahler (Vice Chair), Barbara Dutrow, Ph.D., Russell ...
红宝石是刚玉矿物种别(其中还包括蓝宝石)中的一个类别。 红宝石备受珍视,每克拉单价很高。可以说,红宝石是有色宝石市场中最重要的宝石之一。 最纯的刚玉矿物是无色的。微量元素 ...
莫氏硬度用以衡量宝石和矿物的硬度。 这些数值基于一种矿物可被其他物品划伤的相对难易程度得出。 但莫氏硬度会引起误导。 不同矿物的硬度等级之间的差距并不均匀。 举例来说,钻石的莫 ...
这款获奖的 30.28 克拉 超三角形切工展示了黄水晶备受赞誉的饱和的橙红色。 – John Dyer,宝石由 John Dyer & Co. 友情提供 颜色 黄水晶具有吸引力的颜色、坚固性和经济性(与其他大部分石英相同 ...
PDF versions of the GIA Laboratory-Grown Diamond Reports are available on Report Check. Look for an icon in the upper right hand corner. Once downloaded, the report can be printed for your records.
D. Howell [[email protected]], European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2012, pp. 575–585, http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/0935-1221/2012/0024-2205. Diamond ...
This 5.30-carat emerald from Brazil has a slightly bluish green color. Courtesy John Parrish, courtesy African, Brazilian, Colombian Gems Incorporated. Emerald has many special qualities, but colored ...
This jadeite "Peiyao" (Chinese Fu dog) represent mythological creatures that guard and protect celestial palaces and entrances. - Gift of Sophie Leu Jade has been cherished for thousands of years.
This new ornamental gem material from the Philippines consists of vibrant green uvarovite garnets in a white prehnite matrix. The polished freeform weighs 4.23 ct. Photo by Robison McMurtry. This new ...