Leasing out a domestic property involves a number of legal procedures and financial arrangements. You need to know your rights and responsibilities as a landlord and pay attention to the following ...
「过境私家车一次性特别配额试验计划」的第一阶段已于2012年3月推出,让香港私家车车主驾驶五座位或以下的私家车经由深圳湾口岸进入广东省一次,并短暂逗留不超过七天。你可浏览以下章节,了解更多有关计划的申请程序、旅游资讯和注意的事项。 申请 ...
出租住宅物业涉及许多法律程序和财务安排。你须了解作为业主的权利和责任,以及注意下列各项要点,以确保出租过程顺利进行。 寻找租客 你可自行寻找租客或委托持牌地产代理替你处理出租住宅物业的事宜。不管哪一种做法,你均须在签订租赁前向准租客 ...
For the Online Service here, you can do: Note: You need an 'iAM Smart+' account with digital signing function(Not applicable to Company/Organization as registered vehicle owner) or a valid personal or ...
An employer must comply with all MPF-related legal obligations under the law. These include enrolling all qualifying employees in MPF schemes and making MPF contributions for them. Offer of Options ...
If an employee sustains an injury or dies as a result of an accident arising out of and in the course of employment, his/her employer is in general liable to pay compensation under the Employees’ ...
This one-stop web portal hosts a wide range of information on employment, education, investment and immigration matters as well as social, recreational and cultural activities for those wanting to ...
Salaries tax is calculated in Hong Kong dollars. If a taxpayer receives chargeable income or incurs deductible expense in foreign currency, he / she has to report in equivalent amount of the income or ...
The e-GDN Enquiry provides e-billing service for registered users to receive General Demand Notes (GDNs) online and to view and download related messages, attachments, payment information, etc. For ...
Every one of us has the right to seek justice in law. When you need legal representation before the court but are unable to afford it because of your means, you may apply for legal aid from the Legal ...
在计算薪俸税或个人入息课税时,除各类免税额外,你亦可申索其他的税项扣除。本文解释税项扣除的定义、各类可供选择的税项扣除,以及须要保留证明文件的期限。 计算薪俸税及个人入息课税时可扣除的项目 你可申索下列的扣除项目: 支出及开支 你可申索 ...
法律面前人人有权寻求公义。如你需要律师代表你在区域法院或以上级别的法院进行诉讼,或在裁判法院进行交付审判程序,却因缺乏经济能力而无法负担,可向法律援助署申请法律援助;你亦可申请当值律师服务,为你在裁判法院、少年法庭及死因裁判法庭 ...