Learn about the benefits and risks of a vitamin K injection for infants, which is common in cases at risk of HDFN.
A recent study showed that advancements in the treatment and diagnosis of HDFN has been linked to enhanced knowledge of RhD ...
In a recent study, researchers sought to identify the causes and treatment options for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia.
Learn about how an intrauterine transfusion can help treat HDFN and the pain management options available for the procedure.
In a recent study, duration of hemolysis in infants with HDFN varied widely, lasting up to 75 days in some cases.
RHD zygosity testing can identify pregnancies that require RhD immunoglobulin, minimizing unnecessary treatments for HDFN.
A new prenatal test offered accurate, noninvasive fetal RHD determination starting at nine weeks of pregnancy.
An international panel of experts recently agreed on the most current recommendations for treating and managing HDFN. The ...
Courtesy Getty Images Learn how fetal analgesia is used to minimize pain or discomfort for a fetus during an intrauterine transfusion due to HDFN. When a fetus suffers from hemolytic disease of the ...