The Stone Program in Wealth Distribution, Inequality, and Social Policy welcomes Professor Susan Athey (Stanford) to speak in the Stone Inequality & Social Policy Seminar. For more information about ...
that delves into the transformative processes that ended the world’s most intractable conflicts over the past 70 years, to understand how long-standing, violent conflicts have successfully ...
July 29, 2020, Paper, "Pledging patents as loan collateral has increased in advanced countries with the growth of intangibles in the value of firms. Despite China's less sophisticated market in ...
2020, Book Chapter, "This internet barely existed in a commercial sense 25 years ago. In the mid1990s, when the data packets travelled to users over dial-up, the main internet traffic consisted of ...
May/June 2021, Opinion: "For decades, the promise of globalization has rested on a vision of a world in which goods, services, and capital would flow across borders as never before; whatever its other ...
Rising support for populist parties has disrupted the politics of many Western societies. What explains this phenomenon? Two theories are examined here. Perhaps the most widely-held view of mass ...