If you have any difficulties at any stage of the contracting process, please send a message to [email protected]. The application due date is December 8, 2024. Contract type: One-year ...
We provide services to Canadians visiting and living in Ghana. We also provide services to Canadians in: ...
The High Commission of Canada in the Republic of Rwanda and the Embassy of Canada in the Republic of Burundi are pleased to launch the annual call for proposals for the Canada Fund for Local ...
Dans le district de Katete, en Zambie, où la violence fondée sur le genre, les mariages enfantins, précoces et forcés et les grossesses d'adolescentes restent un problème, le programme « Coaching Boys ...
In Zambia’s Katete district, where gender-based violence (GBV), child, early and forced marriage, and adolescent pregnancy remain a challenge, the Coaching Boys Into Men (CBIM) program is scoring big ...
Travelling south during reading week, also known as spring break, is a long-standing tradition for Canadian university students—so much so that there are hundreds of movies and television episodes ...
Voyager dans le sud pendant la semaine de relâche, parfois appelée semaine de lecture, est une tradition de longue date pour les étudiantes et les étudiants des universités canadiennes, à tel point qu ...
The High Commission of Canada to Sri Lanka is pleased to launch its annual call for proposals for the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI). The CFLI is a program designed to support small-scale, ...
Le Haut-Commissariat du Canada au Sri Lanka est ravie de lancer leur appel de propositions annuel pour le Fonds canadien d’initiatives locales (FCIL). Le FCIL est un programme conçu pour appuyer des ...
Canada and Egypt enjoy established and multi-faceted ties founded on over 70 years of diplomatic relations. In addition to maintaining strong development cooperation, growing trade ties, and vibrant ...
The delivery or return of documents submitted to Global Affairs Canada’s Authentication Services Section through Canada Post (including Xpresspost) will be delayed because of the Canada Post labour ...
La violence fondée sur le genre, ou VFG, n’est pas seulement un enjeu personnel, c’est une crise mondiale. Qu’il s’agisse de violences physiques, émotionnelles, en ligne, sexuelles ou économiques, des ...