Before you do, please ensure you understand your legal obligations. You are encouraged to participate in the industry’s Smartcane BMP program. For more information, call your local BMP facilitator or ...
Register now for the Disability Action Week webinar to hear from leading experts. 10am to 12pm Friday 29 November.
This website discusses domestic and family violence and coercive control. Call Triple Zero and ask for Police if you are in a dangerous or life-threatening situation.If you don't want to speak to the ...
The Queensland Floodplain Assessment Overlay (QFAO) map layer identifies potential floodplains that may be at risk of inundation from riverine flooding. However, it is not intended to predict riverine ...
All harvesters must have a macropod harvesting licence and Queensland macropod tags before they begin harvesting. If you already have a macropod harvesting licence, you need to apply for Queensland ...
The Coastal Management Plan (PDF, 660.1 KB) provides non-regulatory policy guidance to coastal land managers. The plan guides management planning, activities and works relating to: The Coastal ...
Disagree with your local council's decision? You may be able to appeal decisions made by your local council (or private building certifier) that relate to: development application refusals for ...
The Queensland Government stores some personal details in our property data, which individuals or companies may access. A code of conduct regulates how people access this data.
View the current air quality in Queensland and current smoke and dust health action levels, with hourly updates from the statewide monitoring network. Learn more about Queensland’s air quality ...
The QGHL maintains a certified ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) for “The provision of coastal sciences and engineering services for Physical Modelling and Coastal Monitoring” ...
Need help in your language? Call 1800 512 451 and ask for an interpreter.
Queensland Seniors Card, Seniors Card +go and Seniors Business Discount Card holders can now receive discounts on goods and services from participating New Zealand businesses that are registered with ...