Strix Halo虽然早已久闻大名,但大多是只见其声未见其人。捕风捉影的参数确实带劲,什么40CU堪比独显的大核显,和LGA 1700一样大的尺寸,作为一款移动CPU听着就蛮唬人的。而就在前天,AMD RYZEN AI MAX+ PRO ...
近日,华硕旗下的二合一游戏笔记本电脑ROG Flow Z13(国内对应型号为ROG 幻 X)在白俄罗斯提前亮相,由华硕的贸易合作伙伴Technoprime运营的白俄罗斯华硕商城率先上架了这一新品。据悉,这款笔记本搭载了AMD“Strix ...
12 月 12 日消息,由华硕贸易合作伙伴 Technoprime 运营的白俄罗斯华硕商城现已提前上架了新款 ROG Flow Z13(注:对应国内 ROG 幻 X)二合一游戏笔记本电脑。该型号 基于 AMD "Strix Halo" 系列 16 核 ...
The Ryzen AI Max+ Pro 395 was put through Geekbench's Vulkan GPU test. The 67,000 points achieved are nominally below the ...
AMD's upcoming flagship silicon, referred to by the codename "Strix Halo" has been kept well under wraps, but the chip ...
AMD’s penchant for long product names is evident in its latest offering, which (according to the Geekbench entry) is an AMD ...
Leaked benchmarks for the flagship AMD Strix Halo APU have surfaced on Geekbench. If the benchmarks posted on Geekbench’s ...
AMD's Strix Halo seems to have broken cover by appearing on the online repository, Geekbench. Specifically, the chip appears ...
AMD即将在2025年CES展会上发布其下一代旗舰APU,这款名为Strix Halo锐龙AI MAX+ PRO 395的处理器,预示着Zen 5架构在移动领域的全面进军。这款APU不仅搭载了16个Zen 5核心,还集成了基于RDNA ...
AMD's new Ryzen AI Max+ Pro 395 processor codenamed Strix Halo spotted with Radeon 8060S integrated graphics turning up on ...
AMD's now set to do it too, but instead of on-package memory, the company is launching an absolutely massive "APU." AMD doesn ...
AMD即将推出的下一代旗舰APU,代号为Strix Halo的锐龙AI MAX+ PRO 395,预计将在2025年的CES上正式发布,并将带来基于Zen 5架构的一系列移动产品。锐龙AI MAX+ PRO 395搭载了16个Zen ...