The Vision Pro might be an almost unparalleled consumer headset in terms of display and compute power, but all of that ...
Apple faces a bit of a challenge with the Vision Pro. While the device is hugely capable from a technology point of view, it ...
Apple’s Vision Pro headset has been named 2024’s Innovation of the Year by Popular Science, recognizing it as a major step ...
【VRAR星球原创稿件,未经许可禁止转载】摘要:Vision Pro的游戏业务能否借此机遇,乘风破浪,开启虚拟现实游戏的新篇章?在科技巨头纷纷寻求跨界合作的今天,苹果与索尼的联手无疑成为业界近期的热点话题。据彭博社记者马克·古尔曼(Mark ...
You don’t have to be a millionaire to buy an Apple Vision Pro — but it wouldn’t hurt. Apple’s crazily high-spec’d wearable, a ...
日前Apple发布空间运算设备Apple Vision Pro将于12月17日在台开始贩售,此外,苹果也宣布在Apple Vision Pro上使用全新的Mac虚拟显示器,可以支援强大的超宽广萤幕,提供超乎想像的使用情境。Apple Vision ...
It’s possible that Apple didn’t view Vision Pro as being primarily a gaming device (or that, this being Apple, it simply ...
Apple is reportedly looking to Sony to bring its gaming controllers to the Vision Pro. It's an indicator Apple knows it has a ...
Samsung and Google announced their Android XR device, the Project Moohan headset that will be launched next year.
Samsung has a new headset coming, powered by Android XR, and it looks an awful lot like an Apple Vision Pro clone. While the existence of another Samsung product that takes inspiration from Apple ...
The Apple Vision Pro headset is reportedly about to receive support for PSVR2 controllers thanks to a collaboration with Sony ...
近日,彭博社消息显示,自今年2月发售以来,苹果Vision Pro的销量并未如苹果公司所期望的那样迅猛增长,累计销量不足 50 万台,且用户的使用率也低于公司预期。 彭博社记者马克∙古尔曼称,大量Vision ...